Monday, February 11, 2013

2nd's the best

I originally wanted the video to be more elaborate , having the mouth eat all the content and then blurt out escape! But given my newbie status to photoshop and the fact that the original collage had most of the layers this was what I could achieve. I believe the the sentiment is the same, inner desire or fantasy given to us through the boob tube.

Monday, February 4, 2013

First is the worst

My partner and I did the assignment wrong, obviously, still 10 hours of labor have gone into my little fantasy montage so here you are.

Autumn used graphically real images and I used fantastically colored images. If you look closely there is a girl inside the woman's mouth watching television, the images are spilling out and around until she is surrounded by escape. All of this is also inside of a television, the ultimate escape in America and around the world. The images may be portrayed as what the girl wants or dreams about in life but is it really what she desires or is she conditioned by societies model of consumption and escape?

Critical Questions

1. What does the author mean when he talks about the "politics of art"?

2.What are some examples of what the author mentioned as the "demand" for art or the current economics involved with producing art?